Treasure Mysteries Value of Knowledge
For thousands of years, insightful knowledge and precious items have traveled far and wide, across the world's oceans and waterways to be exchanged between distant civilizations. To reach the destination, a number of factors contribute to success or failure of missions. Prominent, skillful navigators and captains manage to build reputations that transcend throughout the ages for their efforts; the course of history forever changed.
Hiding knowledge also became leverage and a way out for those who found themselves at mercy to the crown. A map indicating where a stockpile of gold and silver resides may buy a pirate out of the brig, or prevent a meeting with the gallows. At the same time, treasure maps enabled mariners to ditch plunder for later return, or to pass off the location to those in allegiance if the need arise. Old treasure maps may be difficult to decipher and lead to dead ends as they continuously baffle anyone trying to follow them.
Perhaps in this respect, some are maps of maps, or lack a type of key-stone to reveal a secret message. If finding a lost treasure is increasingly difficult with a map in hand, providing at least some sort of direction, just imagine the complexity of discovering buried plunder only known to exist by legend.